Hi, I’m Alan Cosens, the developer of the infamous “7 Infallible Steps for No-Rejection Recruiting and Selling.”

I have been part of the affiliate and network marketing profession for over two decades and have made a wonderful career and a life of significant freedom by applying these seven steps.

Knowing and applying the seven steps allows one to side-step all the emotional attachment to outcomes and positions one so that they know exactly what they are supposed to be doing at any given moment with any contact/prospect they encounter.

There is no guess-work.

Application of the seven steps works, always, because the steps are based on the very substance of human existence—characteristics which will never change.

Knowing the seven steps is how you turn your business into a numbers GAME, and turn it into play (you know, like any game), as opposed to it being a hassle.

If you’d care to get a free copy of my PDF reference guide to these 7 Infallible Steps, along with a video replay of a training session on the same, click/tap the button…

Click Here to Request the Reference Guide

Talk soon!


Alan Cosens headshot